Monday, October 5, 2015

A Little Pregame Warm Up

Hi everyone! My name is Emily, and this is my very first post on this brand new blog, The Spike Approach. Now as you may or may not have figured out, the title of this blog is a play on words. The Spike Approach sounds as though it could be a certain methodology or way of looking at life or a more specific subject field. However, a spike approach is also the name of the footwork that hitters in the sport of volleyball must learn in order to properly attack a great set. 

In the case of this blog, I will be posting about both meanings of the spike approach. Some of my upcoming posts will cover topics such as the proper passing form, different defense formations, and tips on having a killer serve. However, some of my posts will follow a little different path. Some of my posts will cover the more mental and emotional sides of playing a sport like volleyball. Mental toughness, how to react to different coaching styles, and the blatant importance of being a team player. ALWAYS. Beyond this even, I want to talk about how playing volleyball can help you to grow and mature as a person. I can't wait to get the chance to share some personal stories as well about how volleyball has changed my life for the better in so many ways. 

I started playing volleyball in the fifth grade. Needless to say, I was terrible, but it was okay because I wasn't the only one. Most of us had not even the slightest idea what we were doing. But that was okay, we had a lot of fun that season, and it made me incredibly excited for volleyball season to come back around the following year. After another school season of fun game play but little improvement,  my very best friend decided she was going to try out for a volleyball club in our area. Reluctant at first, I neglected her offer to try out as well. But after hearing countless stories from her for the rest of sixth grade about how fun club volleyball was, I decided to try out the following year. 

I played club volleyball from seventh grade through my junior year of high school. I was my high school's junior varsity libero my freshman year, and then moved on to play on their varsity team for my remaining three years of high school. My team made it to the state tournament all three years, and we took second place my junior year!

Now I am a first year student in college, and unfortunately this is the end of the road for me when it comes to playing competitive volleyball. It was a great eight years though, and I will remember them for the rest of my life.

To try to keep alive as much of my years playing volleyball as possible, I decided to create this blog. To help me remember, reminisce, and reevaluate my years as a volleyball player, and also hopefully to help any of you who read this get just a little more out of the wonderful game we call volleyball!

Although my blog is going to be an amazing all on it's own (obviously), I thought I would give you guys some links to a few blogs that are similar to mine as well. These cover anything from volleyball in the big leagues to just some helpful hints about the most basic skills, but feel free to take a look! (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Well there you have it! I'm super excited to be starting this new blog and I can't wait to start posting. :)

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